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The People Who Lived on the Land that is Now Redstone Arsenal, page 396

The Church. Odis said he couldn't think of a church “right around there.” He didn't go to church. Hunting. Odis liked to hunt. He said there was plenty of game to be found, and “you could hunt anywhere back then.” One good place to hunt was Beetle Slash. The name is emphasized because Odis described an area that had been mentioned to the researcher, but none of the others interviewed could give directions to its location. However, Golden was familiar with the buildings since he'd worked on the arsenal. When he worked on RSA, Equipment Management in the 3700 area was right in front of the swampy area where Beetle Slash was. Recreation. Odis emphasized he was “pretty poor.” Lots of people were poor then. Sometimes he walked to the mill village to see a movie. The movies were open on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday nights. He liked to go hunting. Sometimes they swam in McDonnell Creek. It was better to swim in than Huntsville Spring Branch, because it was clear and clean. Huntsville Spring Branch was dirty. 396 - (4429)