John P. Rankin's
Madison Memories Collection

Pioneer Families

These are the Madison pioneer family research papers of John Rankin organized by family in a series of computer directories that are now accessable on the internet. These materials were originally published by John in 2005 as the Madison Memories Collection, Pioneer Families CD-ROM which was part of a series published for the benefit the Madison Station Historical Preservation Society. Much more complete versions of these materials are available on computers in the Heritage Room and the Madison County Records Center at the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library.

The following is the Introduction to Contents on the original CD-ROM.

With the advent of home computing technology, there is no reason that public records of pioneers of the area should be unavailable to those who may be interested. Research regarding the pioneer families of the area in and around the town of Madison may be facilitated by the numerous old census, land, and probate records plus miscellaneous data that has been collected and stored in this series of computer disks. Please keep in mind that the contents of this CD series represent material acquired from various sources during personal research of the history of the area. The data stored herein is intended exclusively for non-profit, non-commercial use and educational purposes only.

It has been my objective in undertaking this effort that the records of the lives of the pioneer families should be preserved in a format that will enable future generations to appreciate their time on this earth. Not all pioneers were "prominent" people, and there was no intent to limit representation herein to the affluent pioneers. Even the most common or least privileged of the area's early settlers had an influence toward the clearing of the land and the definite progression of the region toward the superb living conditions offered by the area today.

Since this is an on-going work, it is expected that future editions of the CD-ROM series will present even more families and subjects, as they become the objects of research by the undersigned - and as descendants offer to share data and photos of their ancestors who lived in this area. This collection of data and photographs is dedicated to the memory of all of the early settlers, with thanks for the lives that they lived through various hardships and joys, which ultimately benefit those who reside here today.

John P. Rankin

103 Madison Avenue, Madison, AL 35758

April 20, 2005

The following is a list of links to specific family folders:

Abernathy family
Adair family
Allen family
Anderson family
Apperson family
Arnett family
Ashford family
Bailey family
Balch family
Ball family
Beadle family
Bendall family
Betts family
Bibb and Thompson families
Bishop family
Blackburn family
Blackwell family
Bolden family
Bowers family
Bradford and Cayce families
Brewer family
Brockway family
Bronough family
Burton family
Cain family
Camper family
Canterbury family
Capshaw family
Carter family
Cartwright and Vaughan families
Chaney family
Clay family
Clemens family
Clemens house
Clift family
Clutts family
Collier and Bowers families
Cosby family
Dr. William Hooper Councill
Critz family
Crutcher family
Dedman and Tuck family
Deloney family
Dillard family
Doolittle family
Douglas family
Drake family
Dublin family
Dunn family
East family
Farley and McGaha families
Farrald and Ferrel families
Fennell family
Fitts and Fitz family
Dr. R. M. Fletcher
Fletcher family
Floyd family
Fowlkes family
1894 murder of grocer Nathaniel R. Freemen
Garner family
Garvin family
Gates family
Gewin family
Gillespie family
Gladish family
Gooch family
Gormley family
Grantland family
Gray family
Grubb family
Hafley family
Hager family
Halsey family
Hardage family
Hardiman family
Hardin/Harden family
Harper family
Harris family
Hatton family
Hertzler family
Hilliard family
Hoffman family
Holding family
Hopkins family
Horton and Otey families
Houston family
Howell family
Hudson family
Hughes family
Humphrey family
Hundley family
Hunt/Hurt family
Hussey family
Inman family
Jamar family
Johnson/Johnston family
Alexander P. Jones family
Keel family
Kelly family
Kirby family
Klish family
Knox family
Kyser family
Landers family
Lanford and Slaughter families
Lanier family
Lanier family land records
Lewis and Garrett families
Lipscomb family
Looney family
Mandel family
Manning family
Mardis family
Martin and Leeman families
Mastin family
Matthews family
McCalley/McCauley family
McCrary family
McElhaney family
McIntosh family
1884 murder of James Freeman
Murray family
Nail/Nale family
Nance family
Nichols/Nickles family
Norwood family
Otey family
Owen family
Palmer family
Parham family
Parvin family
Payne family
Pettus family
Pickett family
Pike family
Porter family
Powers family
Presley, Banks and Giles families
Pride family
Ragland family
Rainbolt family
Rhea family
Riddle family
Rodman family
Rogers family
Rowe family
Russell family
Sale family
Sanderson family
Schrimscher family
Seay family
Smith family
Southard family
Spragins family
Standifer family
Stewart and Litzy families
Strong family
Sturdivant family
Sullivan family
Tanner family
Tate family
Terpening family
Terrell family
Toney family
Tribble family
Trotman and Aday families
True family
Vaughan/Vaughn family
Vest family
Waddle/Waddell family
Wall family
Wann family
Watkins family
Whitten family
Whitworth and Landman families
Wiggins family
Wikle and Hallmark families
Williams family
Wingo family
Wise family
Withers, Jordan and Jones families
Word/Ward family
Wynn/Winn family