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Lacy Cemetery, 75-1 Summary Report, page 33

Hhmm Nathan A Sunm* *na bum February 6, IhHl in l"?menin < tinoeaaw, a aaw of Ce*rge W .Senna* and Martha Jone* Minnie I Sugg *h |nrn February 3, IIMM purpart ti veburg Laoln I'aunl* Trritirwavv She oae the daug Ji Sydney S*lw* and Mar* Ebmhrih Mc4me han and Muiiie were marnad June W HaH in lane ___________They had two children < lecer Woshirun ihrr 30. 1002 and Camalia Martha Ann Sim lutb chihirvo •rfv eaaaed iu Lmc/.iln County. n and Minn m<"?4 !• Hunt* etr daughter Cornelia Smm* Fwrtar 1 died in I IM5 and I* l"?umni in June 1947 and la ala* burled at ig the second vear rd high and later marriad Ethyl I man led hi Maibwvi < (narrup *vMr waa term 19 I Januar* 1927 at and Ethyl 12 June 19 bur* Ma uaiiama and I hr I hied thru "?a where Oarer Bryan Khzaheth, wa* ••Hili In the late 1920 • Hunteidlr Alabama tuar* wi Mill* Street Harveet and bream* a In early Id. the family Crenh Herr Nathan Wai Hr > Min and Khiabuth S Smama wae the principal Whartly after thia. the at ervaral pUrea Indue* ifflJMf* Nina Irene Ieiuee Sirnm* waa I Mrlviu. and Wayne liulJh graduated in gradoaled in 1944 Irene m 1952 a Oar*/ W aa Oacnr "?ith the trmip tranafsort IMI Korean War. Melvin eerved > ■rveij in the U A Navi After gvadu Jan eorved in the UH Air Focra tnuM died m Huntenlle a* 7 October If* ird *• 10 October 1964 B4h are burled i north of Hunton Dr win la no* rrtwd and bv"?* in < ocoa Beach, F and Irene are dac*m*vd Melvin retired from 1 Flight ('enter and bvwa in Bruandbom Abiha* rveiding III Montgomery Alabama and leuir ta ivee Ml Warwick. Georgia See phcMn an page 499. ' Georg* MWho Mumua. r T?n Oa* MUI feaad /biwaalwnt. / Smmaa Manage and Berth twveda uf Madiotm Counti i "?under mcuida e/ Lmoota t'ouuti Tetumma* Navy danag WW11 ific ftr arm waa fl mid tank off th* Doctor William Simpeon William Sunpaon *ai born 1760, at Ballynaharv, County lam donderry. Ireland and died in IA16. near Ditto* lending. Mi*aia •ippa Tern Lory He waa bun I al Hubba Inland, Madtatin county Alabama in an unmarked grave ‘ In Ireland William Simpson menwd a vamanmaiaa •• .1 Ma"?u in Lbe United Inahnu Thia *H a pmtaetant orgamaatum whew gnal waa to gum equal rap mean tat ion m the Bntiah Parliament lor Ireland'! Catholic* After the unaucceaaful rebellion of 179M William Stmpaon waa captured, and on March 12, 1796, aai convicted of Treason, and aenLencrd tn hang at Bantry Bay Hr waa imprisoned in the Donegal Arma for a ahorl time, then rvleaeed an hail, on condition he eailr himaelf from the Bntiah Empirv Hr received an American paaapnrt and migrated to the United Stale* ahnol 1NO6* William Simpewn left the emerald iale with hi* wife Margwrrile. and quite pnaaihly a younger brodher, George Simp*un accompanied them to Amenta Marguerite waa pregnant with Wilham a child and gave birth to thnr daughter Mary Simpkin while on the voyage over ‘ Dr Simpecn and ht* family came tn Madiaan county, in 1907, when it waa part of the MiaaiMippi Territory prior to Alabama atatrhoud The* wen* among the Aral white aetllera of what la now Ditto * Landing. Alabama Dr Simpoon wa* haled in the IN09 aqualter* census, and ataked out a squat tar *a claim near Ditto Landing then purchased it from the government land office in IMW and went on to ama** large land holding* in the aura ' Hr wa* very active in the forma tion of Madison county ("?ovrrnmen< He eervod on numrr oui court caaea.1* w as an ovoraeer for the public road,11 and wa* a charter mem her of Madiaon Lodge Number 21, the first Masonic Ledge in Alabama During tha War of 1612 William Simp-son *ervrd a* n F*n vote and a Surgeon in the 7th Miaeisaippi Regiment * Colonel Peter Perkina* Battalion of Miejiaaippi Militia frati MadiM j county I'erkina' Bal talian came under General Jahn Caf-fee's command ia October IH13, and fought for Andrew JackMjn in Alabama ugainal Ihr Hrd *iick, a wamng band "?•! thr ( rvrk Nation Ai IliirvMu** Brod Dr Simpwm hdp save the woundrd leg n cuunty, Mixtiippi Territory Hopkins Lan waa born about 1763. at H.ihfaa county Virginia and died Frhruary 9 1M1. nrar Ditto's Landing, Alabama Hr ■■ bur nd liraidi hi* blather* and their lafTuhr* in ihr Barter crmrlrn l-ocy * Spring Alabama ' Hopkin* Larv wa* the older brother of Theophilu* and John Lacy whom l^acy * Spring, wa* named Hopkins Lan wa* a rrwmbrr <4 the Tenn"?!**rv lluus* uf Rcprv-wntatrwr*. and Attnrnry General fnr thr diatnrt of ^a*hingtoa prior to T*nnr-*r< ■IuU'ImnmI * A do*** fnrnd of John I'ofti'o and Andrew Jackwm Mr I-ary ornanpanied them to Alabama uftev th* Creek upn-ing tn I" 13 After hostilities ended Higyhinn Lao remained in Medium cvunly and hrcimc chmrly a"?*c"?rw*trd with lh William Simpaon Margurntr preerded her hualumd llnpkina Lacy in death, ahr died before Auguat 19. IX'211 Marguerite had thr lrrici> in thr War of 1M12 by hi"? great-grral gri-at grand-■■m. Drama Simpaon Thr Simpaan crmrtcry located eiial of Dodd Road inside Test Area, I. i.4 a *mall plot can tai mog several 19th century burial* T7w (sowlory as* ratahliahid by lh Simpmm • "?*n Jidin whuae lamily -ind dtavetidanta bird lor many year* on land that bream* R*>d*tnn"? Arsenal Thr ammonal mtvmv included a militan ndm guard, a 21 gun *alutr which **• Adluwrd by Lap* Dw* dedicalMMi ■u attended by numer. • fumili members, a contingent and the iwu tup Mason* in Alabama William Him^on * dr"?erndanti mcludi ihr Him Dai id i 'amp hell Humphreys. Judge for thr Supreme i'uurt f ihr lhatricl of Heritage of Madison County, Alabama, Vol. 45; page 408 33 - (2667)