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Farming For A Better Future, page 204

David Tem pie ■ B ir.-er Cem ■ tSebo^L-' ■ . J- “ 'JiiX TXle ' Jx'"^ t Chul'ch. Enn I a. Cem p ' - - ' Gdn-ifr Pond1 *. 7“ 1 - . J WHITE FAMILY SCHOOL CENSUS CARD Book No, ...... ___________Year NAMES OF PARENTS MAILING ADDRESS ' Birth-S*"?o COCE' tiring1 Ffewfa JLAd Wire Spade? ' English CFldwi Ouw ti&i FIRST MIDDLE YEE N YE1 NO ' YES HO YES J 1 L' / i urocev 5. 7a Icily fra . ^OCCUPATIONS . Asricahare 6, Profeedotuil Service . QcnciE Work 7. Public Service . Lfemcitic Service 8. Trade r Manufacturing 9, Traniportati&n - Mining 10. District or Block No,.. (Above) 1951 USGS/TVA Topographic Map of David Temple School, Hillsboro, Alabama Quadrangle (Below) 1974 USGS/TVA Topographic Map of David Temple Church, Hillsboro, Alabama Quadrangle NAMES OF PARENTS ' MAILING ADDRESS for*-pfcLW COOK* LMng BMdt vd Writ** fefakiS Enfivll* CidJtrt Occupa-lino LAST FIRST Mi DOLE YES ■*> VEX WO YE* N"? YE# NO ceotf t 3 9 I fl -7' / k- u 1 (/ NAMES OF CHILDREN (LWT IH OKEMCM or DIHTM, OLMST FIRST; C4C4 a NAME OF SCHOOL WKJ. ATT"?* MfcT YEAR DirtiMT laSiW a J R T H Gr, Rwdt tnd Wrtt* OtfKfa CODE + Afi CODE e TEAR uo. DA. CODE t COOR • ?0 ra NO B z jZ-rFV- :-s-l€ i / :■ Lr A SL /; f •BIRTHPLACE 1, UnJicd Sum 2. Greii Britain J. Cici-di 4, k JtowJ 3a BipTi*sj"l Certificate 4. FimU.'i State meet 5. __________________ la Arriculture 2. Clerical Work 3. DomoEic Service 4. Mfcnfifaettttfag 5. Mining lOCCUPATIONS 6- ProfcMioswl Service 7. Public Service fl. Trade 9r Tra dj por I * Ekm 10._________________ District or Block No._____^... COLORED FAMILY KEY CARD Bonk Ns. Yu: 1&3_2=2 (Left) School Census Card for the Kimble Family with Children at “Davis” Temple School, 1930 (Lawrence County Archives, Moulton, Alabama) (Lower Left) School Census Card for the Jones Family with a Child at “David's T” School, 1932 (Lawrence County Archives, Moulton, Alabama) The land for David Temple School was donated by John Foster, Sr. (circa 1872-after 1923). He was the son of Spotswood Foster, a former slave and landowner. John, Sr.'s history is unclear, but he had a son named John Foster, Jr. (born 1923), who was taken in by his uncle Robert by 1930. There are at least 142 graves at the Foster-Davis Cemetery. The earliest known interment is Myrtle D. Foster (died 1914). The cemetery is still in use. Members of the Foster and Davis families are among the most common names at the cemetery. There are 23 Fosters, many of them are related to the patriarch and landowner, Spotswood Foster (1836-1896). Spotswood was a soldier in Company K of the 111th USCT during the Civil War. Originally from Tennessee, Foster was enslaved on an unknown plantation in Lawrence County. After hearing that the Union planned to take Decatur, he escaped and joined the Union. After contracting smallpox, he was sent to the Smallpox Hospital in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He was able to sign his own name on his pension records, indicating he was an educated man. He purchased land north of Hillsboro - perhaps near where he was formerly enslaved - and passed it on to his sons. Spotswood's son, Robert G. Foster (died 1940) and wife, Lucinda (1871-1948), are buried at Foster-Davis Cemetery. Robert owned a farm from at least 1910 until his death. A man by the name of Spot Foster owned a farm from at least 1910 to 1930. This may have been Spot, Jr. or the next generation of Fosters. (Opposite Page) (Top Left) School Census Card for the Foster Family with Children at David Temple School, 1940 (Lawrence County Archives, Moulton, Alabama (Left Middle) Excerpt of 1880 Census with Spotswood Foster and Family (National Archives and Records Administration via (Bottom) Excerpt of 1910 Census for Robert G. Foster (National Archives and Records Administration via (Right) Excerpt from 1935 Tennessee Valley Authority Family Relocation Records for Spotswood Foster (National Archives and Records Administration via ■ COMMUNITIES CEMETERIES CHURCHES B PLANTATIONS B SCHOOLS Indicates a Historical - Non-Extant Resource - (4732)