Rison-Dallas Community

Click Here for coverage of the 2016 Rison-Dallas Association 43rd Annual Reunion that was held on August 6th.

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Rison School
Rison School

Dallas Mill and Village

Hello to all you folks from Rison School and Dallas Village, and to any who either knew or loved the people from Rison and Dallas!

We are excited to welcome you in to join us in the re-living of some of our old memories of days gone by.

It is our hope that this website will be a treasure to each of us. Because over the years we have been unable to find a place to display our memorabilia, we decided to venture out into the great space of the Internet and let it be our "museum."

Please take a tour of this site, and reminisce with us. We encourage you to look around, maybe laugh or cry, or both, and put yourself back to the long-ago days of growing up and living in a quiet, slow-moving cotton mill community in northeast Huntsville, Alabama, called Dallas Village.

This website is a work in progress, so be patient with us as we accumulate the historical documents that we need. If you have something that is not included in the site and you'd be willing to share a copy with us, please let us know.

Our sincere thanks to Craig Clontz, our Webmaster, who so graciously volunteered to establish this website for us. As you'll see, Craig has made our site much more than ordinary; he's made it unique and special - 'like us!!

This site belongs to each of us and is here for our enjoyment and to preserve our history.

We encourage your comments of any kind. We realize that your recollection of some of the incidents and happenings described and discussed within these pages may differ somewhat and that's OK; please feel free to share your version.

Let's celebrate our heritage together with great pride!

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If you have comments, questions, or contributions for these pages, please send an e-mail to risondallas@comcast.net

Rison-Dallas Community Pages:
[Home] [Page Descriptions] [Message Boards] [Bulletin Board] [History] [School Principals] [Faculty and Staff] [Annual Reunions] [Memories] [Sports Programs] [Classes] ["School Pictures"] [Veterans] [Directions] [Links] [Memorabilia] [Favorite Songs] [Notes from Friends] [Messages from the Community] [Favorite Recipes]
This website is not affiliated with Rison-Dallas Association, Inc.

Rison-Dallas Community

Established 11 June 2004