The Huntsville Historical Review Author Index
The Huntsville-Madison County Historical Society has published The Huntsville Historical Review since 1971. The Review is a great source of local historical information.
The Society has graciously allowed us to reproduce it's articles in the Huntsville History Collection. A PDF file is available for each issue and article. An author index is provided below. In addition, a table of contents and an subject index are available.
The following is an updated version of A Complete Listing and Index of The Huntsville Historical Review' originally complied by James W. Lee, John Rison Jones, Jr. and Dorothy Price Luke, and published as the Summer-Fall 2001 (Volume 28, No. 2) issue of the 'The Huntsville Historical Review. The update is by Deane Dayton.
The Huntsville Historical Review Author Index
Adams, B.
President’s Page, Volume Special Issue, 2008, Adams, B., page v
Allen, J. H.
What Happened to the Huntsville Jaycees?, Volume 46,#2, Fall-Winter 2021, Allen, J. H., page 35
Allen, J.
Presidents Message, Volume 40, #2, Fall-Winter 2015, Allen, J., page 3
President's Message, Volume 41, #1, Spring-Summer 2016, Allen, J., page i
President's Letter, Volume 41, #2, Fall-Winter 2016, Allen, J., page i
President's Remarks, Volume 42, #1, Spring-Summer 2017, Allen, J., page i
Barger, F.
History of the Probate Court in Alabama, Volume 46,#2, Fall-Winter 2021, Barger, F., page 13
Bayer, L.
How Huntsville Grew, Volume 20, #2, Jul-93, Bayer, L., page 1
Bell, W.D.
Athens College: The First 150 Years, Volume 1, #3, Jul-71, Bell, W.D., page 3
Bobo, M.B.
Enon Baptist Church History, Volume 25, #2, Jul-98, Bobo, M.B., page 31
Bounds, S.E.
Reconstruction in Huntsville & Madison County, Alabama 1865-1869, Volume 3, #4, Oct-73, Bounds, S.E., page 3
Disaffection in Madison County Before and During the Civil War, Volume 4, #2, Apr-74, Bounds, S.E., page 3
Big Spring of Huntsville, Volume 6, #1 & #2, Jan-76, Bounds, S.E., page 3
Brightwell, C.
The History of Camp Quick, A Legacy of Scout Camping in North Alabama, Volume 46, #1, Spring-Summer 2021, Brightwell, C., page 1
Burwell, E.
Mediums of Exchange in Early Huntsville, Volume 22, #2, Jul-95, Burwell, E., page 4
The Search for Susan B. Turner Gee, Volume 35, #1, Winter-Spring 2010, Burwell, E., page 58
Butler, J.D.
Alabama's Six Constitutions: Part I, Volume 41, #2, Fall-Winter 2016, Butler, J.D., page 49
Alabama's Six Constitutions: Part II, Volume 42, #1, Spring-Summer 2017, Butler, J.D., page 36
Byers, D.
Albert Russel Erskine, Volume 24, #2, Jul-97, Byers, D., page 11
The Evolution of Nurseries in Madison County, Volume 31, #1, Winter-Spring 2006, Byers, D., page 7
Ollie Fraser Remembers January 1, 1900, Volume 31, #1, Winter-Spring 2006, Byers, D., page 27
Two Hundred Years - the Big Spring and John Hunt, Volume Special Issue, 2008, Byers, D., page 42
Yellow Fever and Huntsville, Volume 34, #1, Winter-Spring 2009, Byers, D., page 55
Andrew Jackson Did Not Save Huntsville, Volume 38, #1, Spring-Summer 2014, Byers, D., page 16
John Hunt, Huntsville's First Citizen;, Volume 42, #1, Spring-Summer 2017, Byers, D., page 81
Trees Cut in Downtown Huntsville, 1828, Volume 46, #1, Spring-Summer 2021, Byers, D., page 42
Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Freeman, Volume 46,#2, Fall-Winter 2021, Byers, D., page 26
Carnell, B.
The Culture Club, Volume 40, #1, Spring-Summer 2015, Carnell, B., page 29
Carpenter, K.
A Hoosier in the Heart of Dixie, Volume 34, #1, Winter-Spring 2009, Carpenter, K., page 9
Carr, S.
Dr. Henry Chambers, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Mohler, S.T. & Carr, S., page 34
William Wyatt Bibb, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Carr, S., page 66
Carter, J.,
2019 Student Bicentennial Marketing Plan, Volume 45, #2, Fall-Winter 2020, Carter, J.,, page 58
Cason, C.
Early Years of Redstone Arsenal, Volume 1, #3, Jul-71, Cason, C., page 29
Castellano, D.
A Very Special Basement: Huntsville’s Post-Civil War Treasure, Volume 45, #1, Spring-Summer 2020, Castellano, D., page 31
Centennial History Committee
History of Huntsville School System: Inception to Autonomy, Volume 9, #3 & #4, Jul-79, Centennial History Committee, page 3
Chadick, Mary
A Housewife's Perspective on the Occupation of Huntsville (part I), Volume 16, #1 & #2, 1989, Chadick, Mary, page 11
A Housewife's Perspective on the Occupation of Huntsville (part II), Volume 17, #1, Jan-90, Chadick, Mary, page 15
A Housewife's Perspective on the Occupation of Huntsville (part III), Volume 17, #2, Jul-90, Chadick, Mary, page 7
A Housewife's Perspective on the Occupation of Huntsville (part IV), Volume 18, #1, Jan-91, Chadick, Mary, page 31
A Housewife's Perspective on the Occupation of Huntsville (part V), Volume 18, #2, Jul-91, Chadick, Mary, page 23
A Housewife's Perspective on the Occupation of Huntsville (part VI), Volume 19, #1, Jan-92, Chadick, Mary, page 3
A Housewife's Perspective on the Occupation of Huntsville (part VII), Volume 19, #2, Jul-92, Chadick, Mary, page 11
Clay, John W.
A Journalist's Perspective on the Invasion of Huntsville, Volume 16, #1 & #2, 1989, Clay, John W., page 23
Codori, C.
Huntsville's 19th Century: Revealing a Treasure Downtown, Volume 44, #1, Spring-Summer 2019, Codori, C., page 1
Coe, J.G.
Unionism in Huntsville and Knoxville: A Comparative Study of Tennessee River Valley Towns, 1860-1865, Volume 37, #1, Fall 2013-Winter 2014, Coe, J.G., page 69
Coleman, Cpt. Daniel
Daniel Coleman Diary, January 1863-August 1864, Volume 26, #2, Jul-99, Coleman, Cpt. Daniel, page 1
Craig, A.B.
Baldridge Family of Huntsville, Volume 20, #1, Jan-93, Craig, A.B., page 1
Curtis, S.
Bell Factory and The Mill Industry in Madison County, Volume 44, #1, Spring-Summer 2019, Curtis, S., page 17
Darnell, F.B.
Tennessee Valley Authority: Survival of a True New Deal, Volume 14, #1 & #2, 1984, Darnell, F.B., page 1
Davis, R.S.
Three Visits To Huntsville Before The Civil War, Volume 44, #2, Fall-Winter 2019, Davis, R.S., page 41
Davis, R.
The Four Horsemen and Me, Volume 46, #1, Spring-Summer 2021, Davis, R., page 34
Dice, J.P.
Madison County’s Tornadoes - Mother Nature’s Deadly Destruction, Volume 30, #1, Fall-Winter 2004-2005, Dice, J.P., page 7
Dickerson, G.
Albert Russel Erskine, Huntsville "Boy Who Made Good", Volume 4, #4 & 5, #1, Oct74,Jan75, Dickerson, G., page 33
Dunham, D.
The Three Forks of Flint, Volume Special Issue, 2008, Dunham, D., page 112
Edwards, Elijah E.
Diary of Chaplain Elijah E. Edwards (Part I), Volume 3, #1, Jan-73, Edwards, Elijah E., page 5
Diary of Chaplain Elijah E. Edwards (Part II), Volume 3, #2, Apr-73, Edwards, Elijah E., page 3
Diary of Chaplain Elijah E. Edwards (Part III), Volume 3, #3, Jul-73, Edwards, Elijah E., page 3
Ellis, J.
Historical Interpretation of Recent Events Concerning the Validity of the Holocaust: Reflections on the Visit of David Irving to Huntsville, Volume 20, #2, Jul-93, Ellis, J., page 32
A Memory of Frances, Volume 28, #1, Winter-Spring 2001, Ellis, J., page 1
Ethridge, C.
The Quest for Certainty: Amos Blanch Jones’ Attempt to Recreate a Pre-Civil War Southern Mentality, Volume 35, #2, Summer-Winter 2010, Ethridge, C., page 37
Ferguson, A.
Attitudes in North Alabama to the Confederacy, Volume 4, #1, Jan-74, Ferguson, A., page 3
Finn, D.E.
A Union Paper "The Huntsville Reveille", published in the Offices of Huntsville Democrat, 1862, Volume 17, #1, Jan-90, Finn, D.E., page 10
Fisk, S.H.
Madison County 150 Years Ago (Part I), Volume 1, #3, Jul-71, Fisk, S.H., page 44
Madison County 150 Years Ago (Part II), Volume 1, #4, Oct-71, Fisk, S.H., page 46
Williams Street Area in the Early 1800's, Volume 1, #1, Jan-71, Fisk, S.H., page 18
Early Huntsville: 1805-1825, Volume 33, #1, Winter-Spring 2008, Fisk, S.H., page 15
Mapping 1819 Huntsville in Retrospect, Volume 33, #1, Winter-Spring 2008, Fisk, S.H., page 21
1819 Huntsville as a Trading Center, Volume 33, #1, Winter-Spring 2008, Fisk, S.H., page 28
Madison County’s First Courthouse, Volume 33, #1, Winter-Spring 2008, Fisk, S.H., page 31
Huntsville’s Indian Creek Canal, Volume 33, #1, Winter-Spring 2008, Fisk, S.H., page 43
Howard Weeden, Artist and Poet, Volume 33, #1, Winter-Spring 2008, Fisk, S.H., page 55
My Memories of Elizabeth Fraser Price, Volume 33, #1, Winter-Spring 2008, Fisk, S.H., page 69
Merrimack Mill History, Volume 33, #1, Winter-Spring 2008, Fisk, S.H., page 75
Growing Up in Huntsville, Volume 33, #1, Winter-Spring 2008, Fisk, S.H., page 85
Ford, E. Mrs.
North Alabama College, 1858-1864: The Non-existent School, Volume 15, #1 & #2, 1985, Ford, E. Mrs., page 21
Forests, W.
The Huntsville Depot: An Important Port on the “Iron River”, Volume 30, #2, Summer-Fall 2005, Forests, W., page 7
Fraser, O.
Story of a Snow-Bound Family, Volume 31, #1, Winter-Spring 2006, Fraser, O., page 29
Gabel, M.B.
General O.M. Mitchel's Occupation of Huntsville, Volume 1, #3, Jul-71, Gabel, M.B., page 12
Gale, D.G., Jr
Great Pecuniary Sacrifice, Dr Thomas Fearn and Indian Creek Canal, Volume 25, #2, Jul-98, Gale, D.G., Jr, page 1
Gates, G.H.
Dead Shoe Primary, Volume 2, #1, Jan-72, Gates, G.H., page 3
Gibby, S.
Historical Research in Madison, Morgan, and Limestone Counties, Volume 40, #2, Fall-Winter 2015, Lieberman, S. & Gibby, S., page 36
Gorham, C.L.
Short Histories of Three Acting Governors of Alabama in the Ante-Bellum Period, Volume 4, #4 & 5, #1, Oct74,Jan75, Gorham, C.L., page 40
Grace, A.
"From Day to Day and From Hour to Hour": The Ludwig Marx Family's Journey Out of Nazi Germany, Volume 39, #2, Fall-Winter 2014, Grace, A., page 1
Graham, D.
From Mussels to Motorboats: Dittos Landing Place in History, Volume 40, #1, Spring-Summer 2015, Graham, D., page 1
Gray, J.P.
Fare Thee Well - From the Papers of John Williams Walker, Volume 30, #1, Fall-Winter 2004-2005, Gray, J.P., page 61
Trouble with the Railroad, Volume 30, #2, Summer-Fall 2005, Gray, J.P., page 67
The Huntsville Depot - A Place Worth Remembering, Volume 30, #2, Summer-Fall 2005, Gray, J.P., page 75
The Revolutionary Plant Comes to Madison County, Volume 31, #1, Winter-Spring 2006, Gray, J.P., page 51
King Cotton in Madison County, Volume 31, #1, Winter-Spring 2006, Gray, J.P., page 55
Captain Slick’s Company, Volume 31, #2, Summer-Fall 2006, Gray, J.P., page 27
Gray, L.E.
Thomas Bibb, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Gray, L.E., page 46
Gribbon, E., Rev.
Excerpt from "Civil War Adventures of Bishop Henry C. Lay", Volume 17, #1, Jan-90, Gribbon, E., Rev., page 1
Hagood, J.C.
James Edward Butler: Madison County Johnny Reb, Volume 19, #1, Jan-92, Hagood, J.C., page 20
Hamlin, K.F.
Huntsville Civil Rights Timeline, Volume 44, #1, Spring-Summer 2019, Hamlin, K.F., page 35
The Civil Rights Movement in Huntsville, Volume 44, #2, Fall-Winter 2019, Hamlin, K.F., page 62
Hanaw, M.A.G.
Five Generations of Life: My Family and the Huntsville, Alabama Jewish Community, 1852 1982, Volume 12, #3 & #4, Jul-82, Hanaw, M.A.G., page 5
Harbarger, H.P.
Huntsville-Madison County Botanical Garden, 1979-1997, Volume 24, #2, Jul-97, Harbarger, H.P., page 1
"Big Spring" in Huntsville History, Volume 27, #2, Jul-00, Harbarger, H.P., page 23
Hardin, D.
Emblems Of Woe: How The South Reacted To Lincoln's Murder, Volume 42, #1, Spring-Summer 2017, Hardin, D., page 96
Harper, V.
Histories of Three Churches in Madison County, Volume 11, #3 & #4, Jul-81, Harper, V., page 21
Hauer, C.
Huntsville 1910-1911: Touched by Greatness, Volume 26, #2, Jul-99, Hauer, C., page 47
Helton, V.
Spiders In The Attic, Volume 28, #2, Spring-Summer 2003, Helton, V., page 7
Hill, J.B.
History of the Development of Monte Sano, Volume 34, #1, Winter-Spring 2009, Hill, J.B., page 65
Hitt, D.
President's Letter, Volume 42, #2, Fall-Winter 2017, Hitt, D., page i
President's Remarks, Volume 43, #1, Spring-Summer 2018, Hitt, D., page i
President's Remarks, Volume 43, #2, Fall-Winter 2018, Hitt, D., page i
From the President, Volume 44, #1, Spring-Summer 2019, Hitt, D., page i
From the President Happy birthday, Alabama!, Volume 44, #2, Fall-Winter 2019, Hitt, D., page i
Hogan, B.
My Very Dear Wife: The Letters of a Union Corporal, Part 1, Volume 28, #1, Summer-Fall 2002, Hogan, B., page 16
Norton Versus Mitchel, Volume 28, #2, Spring-Summer 2003, Hogan, B., page 23
My Very Dear Wife: The Letters of a Union Corporal, Part II, Volume 28, #2, Spring-Summer 2003, Hogan, B., page 84
The Affair at Indian Creek Ford: The Archaeology of a Small Civil War Battle, Volume 37, #1, Fall 2013-Winter 2014, Hoksbergen, B. & Hogan, B., page 23
Hoksbergen, B.
The Affair at Indian Creek Ford: The Archaeology of a Small Civil War Battle, Volume 37, #1, Fall 2013-Winter 2014, Hoksbergen, B., page 23
Hollander, David
Venable's Hotel, Huntsville, Alabama, 1862, Volume 43, #1, Spring-Summer 2018, Hollander, David, page 51
Hudson, R.W.
Annotated Bibliography Concerning Facts of North Alabama, Huntsville, and Madison County in the Tennessee Historical Quarterly, 1950-1975, Volume 5, #4, Oct-75, Hudson, R.W., page 18
Hughes, H.L.
General Joseph Wheeler in Huntsville, Volume 2, #3, Jul-72, Hughes, H.L., page 18
Old Decatur County, Volume 3, #1, Jan-73, Hughes, H.L., page 20
Hutchens, E.N.
Norah Davis: 1861-1936, Volume 13, #3 & #4, Jul-83, Hutchens, E.N., page 21
Why Twickenham? A Speculation on the Vision of the Founders, Volume 15, #1 & #2, 1985, Hutchens, E.N., page 10
James, L.
Medaris: Private - General - Priest, Volume 28, #1, Winter-Spring 2001, James, L., page 23
Jandebeur, T. S.
Thomas Freeman in Madison County: Mississippi Territory, 1807-1810; Alabama, 1820 , Volume 45, #2, Fall-Winter 2020, Jandebeur, T. S., page 1
Jenkins, D.
Merrimack Mill History, Volume 33, #1, Winter-Spring 2008, Fisk, S.H. & Jenkins, D., page 75
Johnson, D.S.
Family Graveyard: A Vanishing Landscape, Volume 16 & 17, 1986/87, Johnson, D.S., page 23
Book Review — When Spirits Walk, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Johnson, D.S., page 69
Johnson, L.R.
Epidemic Cholera at Huntsville, 1873, Volume 2, #1, Jan-72, Johnson, L.R., page 20
James Gang in Huntsville, Volume 2, #2, Apr-72, Johnson, L.R., page 3
Trials and Tribulations of the Salt Monopoly in Antebellum Days in the Tennessee Valley, Volume 10, #1 & #2, Jan-80, Johnson, L.R., page 13
Jones, H.P.
Bungalow & Other 20th Century Residential Architecture in Huntsville, Volume 13, #3 & #4, Jul-83, Jones, H.P., page 3
Jones, J.M.
New Market - First and Fairest of Them All?, Volume Special Issue, 2008, Jones, J.M., page 60
The McCrary Farm Enters Its Third Century, Volume 35, #2, Summer-Winter 2010, Jones, J.M., page 49
Jones, J.R., Jr.
A Complete Listing and Index of The Huntsville Historical Review Volumes 1 through 27, 1971-2000, Volume 28, #2, Summer-Fall 2001, Lee, J.W., Jones, J.R., Jr., page i
Historical Review List of Publications, Volume 28, #2, Summer-Fall 2001, Lee, J.W., Jones, J.R., Jr., page 1
Subject Index, Volume 28, #2, Summer-Fall 2001, Lee, J.W., Jones, J.R., Jr., page 7
Author Index, Volume 28, #2, Summer-Fall 2001, Lee, J.W., Jones, J.R., Jr., page 17
Jones, J.R., Jr
Do We Purposely Forget? Unknown Generals in Our Midst, Volume 18, #2, Jul-91, Jones, J.R., Jr, page 1
Historical Interpretation of Recent Events Concerning the Validity of the Holocaust Revisionism: Skinheads as Pseudo-Historians, Volume 20, #2, Jul-93, Jones, J.R., Jr, page 30
Some Reflections on 19th Century Art in Huntsville, Volume 21, #2, Jul-94, Jones, J.R., Jr, page 21
Evolution of Land Holdings of Oakwood College, 1896-1996, Volume 23, #2, Jul-96, Jones, J.R., Jr, page 1
LeRoy Pope's Poplar Grove Plantation, Volume 28, #1, Winter-Spring 2001, Jones, J.R., Jr, page 3
The Huntsville - Madison County Historical Society: The First 50 Years, Volume 28, #1, Summer-Fall 2002, Jones, J.R., Jr, page 7
Jones, K.P.
From the Archives: Madison County, Mississippi, Territorial Period: 1804-1817, Volume 28, #1, Summer-Fall 2002, Jones, K.P., page 75
Madison County Mississippi Territorial Period, 1804-1817, Volume 1, #1, Jan-71, Jones, K.P., page 34
Jones, P.
First National Bank, Volume 5, #2 & #3, Apr-75, Jones, P., page 3
Jones, T.
2019 Student Bicentennial Marketing Plan, Volume 45, #2, Fall-Winter 2020, Carter, J.,, Jones, T., page 58
Kaylor, M.
Trevanion Barlow Dallas: His Huntsville Connections, Volume 14, #1 & #2, 1984, Kaylor, M., page 13
King, O., Mrs.
Thomas Fearn, The Man, Volume 10, #1 & #2, Jan-80, King, O., Mrs., page 3
Kirshtein, D.
In Retrospect: One Hundred Years of Reform Judaism in Huntsville, Volume 5, #4, Oct-75, Kirshtein, D., page 3
Kvach, J.F.
Book Review - Railroads in the Old South: Pursuing Progress in a Slave Society, Volume 35, #1, Winter-Spring 2010, Kvach, J.F., page 71
Editor's Message, Volume 37, #1, Fall 2013-Winter 2014, Kvach, J.F., page v
Editor's Note, Volume 38, #1, Spring-Summer 2014, Kvach, J.F., page iii
Editor's Note, Volume 39, #2, Fall-Winter 2014, Kvach, J.F., page iv
Lacey, H.C.
Remembering Councill School, Volume 21, #1, Jan-94, Lacey, H.C., page 3
Lacey, M.
History of William Hooper Councill High School: 1867-1970, Volume 21, #1, Jan-94, Lacey, M., page 9
Lady, D.L.
The Birney Brothers of Huntsville, Alabama, Volume 40, #2, Fall-Winter 2015, Lady, D.L., page 18
Lang, C.
The Huntsville Depot and Dennis Watercress, Volume 31, #1, Winter-Spring 2006, Lang, C., page 35
The McCrary Homestead, Volume 36, #1, Winter 2010-Spring 2011, Lang, C., page 1
Lanman, C.
Lanman's View of Huntsville in the 1850's, Volume 20, #1, Jan-93, Lanman, C., page 11
Leberman, B.S.
Hine in Huntsville: What the Photographic Detective Found, Volume 29, #1, Fall-Winter 2003, Leberman, B.S., page 7
Lewis Hine and the Progressives, Volume 29, #1, Fall-Winter 2003, Leberman, B.S., page 22
Children of the Mills: Faces of Huntsville Mill Children, Volume 29, #1, Fall-Winter 2003, Leberman, B.S., page 36
Remembering Life in the Mill Villages, Volume 29, #1, Fall-Winter 2003, Leberman, B.S., page 46
The Triumph of the Note-card: The Sarah Huff Fisk System, Volume 33, #1, Winter-Spring 2008, Leberman, B.S., page 37
Lee, J.W.
A Complete Listing and Index of The Huntsville Historical Review Volumes 1 through 27, 1971-2000, Volume 28, #2, Summer-Fall 2001, Lee, J.W., page i
Historical Review List of Publications, Volume 28, #2, Summer-Fall 2001, Lee, J.W., page 1
Subject Index, Volume 28, #2, Summer-Fall 2001, Lee, J.W., page 7
Author Index, Volume 28, #2, Summer-Fall 2001, Lee, J.W., page 17
Lieberman, S.
Historical Research in Madison, Morgan, and Limestone Counties, Volume 40, #2, Fall-Winter 2015, Lieberman, S., page 36
Luke, D.P.
A Complete Listing and Index of The Huntsville Historical Review Volumes 1 through 27, 1971-2000, Volume 28, #2, Summer-Fall 2001, Lee, J.W., Jones, J.R., Jr. & Luke, D.P., page i
Historical Review List of Publications, Volume 28, #2, Summer-Fall 2001, Lee, J.W., Jones, J.R., Jr. & Luke, D.P., page 1
Subject Index, Volume 28, #2, Summer-Fall 2001, Lee, J.W., Jones, J.R., Jr. & Luke, D.P., page 7
Author Index, Volume 28, #2, Summer-Fall 2001, Lee, J.W., Jones, J.R., Jr. & Luke, D.P., page 17
Luttrell, F.A. III
Historical Marker Dedication (Dallas Park & Dallas Mill Village), Volume 22, #2, Jul-95, Luttrell, F.A. III, page 1
Historical Marker Dedication (Merrimack Mill/Bradley School, Oakwood College, and Buckhorn Tavern), Volume 23, #1, Jan-96, Luttrell, F.A. III, page 31
Historical Marker Dedication (New Market Presbyterian Church, Glenwood Cemetery), Volume 24, #2, Jul-97, Luttrell, F.A. III, page 21
Historical Marker Dedication (Viduta/Monte Sano Hotel, Monte Sano Female Seminary, Enon Baptist Church, and Lakeside United Methodist Church), Volume 25, #2, Jul-98, Luttrell, F.A. III, page 23
Historical Marker Dedication (Shiloh United Methodist Church), Volume 26, #1, Jan-99, Luttrell, F.A. III, page 32
Marker Committee Publishes New Book Featuring 79 Historical Markers in Madison County, Volume 28, #1, Winter-Spring 2001, Luttrell, F.A. III, page 11
Lutz, H.
Book Review - The Radical and the Republician, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Lutz, H., page 70
Book Review - The Conferate States of America: What Might Have Been, Volume 32, #2, Summer-Fall 2007, Lutz, H., page 77
Maddox, J.
2019 Student Bicentennial Marketing Plan, Volume 45, #2, Fall-Winter 2020, Carter, J.,, Jones, T., Maddox, J., page 58
Mahoney, G.M., Jr.
Huntsville-Alabama and Texas, Volume 16 & 17, 1986/87, Mahoney, G.M., Jr., page 31
Marks, H.S.
Early Views of the Tennessee Valley (Maps), Volume 3, #1, Jan-73, Marks, H.S., page 32
Andrew Jackson's Activities in the Tennessee Valley, Volume 3, #2, Apr-73, Marks, H.S., page 27
Sequoyah of the Tennessee Valley, Volume 4, #1, Jan-74, Marks, H.S., page 26
Slave Emancipation Act in Early North Alabama, Volume 4, #3, Jul-74, Marks, H.S., page 19
Proceedings of The First Alabama Congressional Delegation: 16th Congress of The United States 1819 To 1821, Volume 44, #2, Fall-Winter 2019, Marks, H.S., page 1
Proceedings of First Alabama Congressional Delegation: 16th Congess of US 1819-1821, Volume 4, #4 & 5, #1, Oct74,Jan75, Marks, H.S., page 4
Albert Russel Erskine, Huntsville "Boy Who Made Good", Volume 4, #4 & 5, #1, Oct74,Jan75, Dickerson, G. & Marks, H.S., page 33
Short Histories of Three Acting Governors of Alabama in the Ante-Bellum Period, Volume 4, #4 & 5, #1, Oct74,Jan75, Gorham, C.L. & Marks, H.S., page 40
Study of the Slave System in Alabama Before Statehood, Volume 7, #1 & #2, Jan-77, Marks, H.S., page 25
Patent Medicines & Common Folk in Huntsville & Madison County During the Early 1800's, Volume 7, #3 & #4, Jul-77, Marks, H.S., page 3
Notes and Documents, Volume 11, #3 & #4, Jul-81, Marks, H.S., page 27
Marks, M.K.
Notes and Documents, Volume 13, #3 & #4, Jul-83, Marks, M.K., page 30
Early Views of the Tennessee Valley (Maps), Volume 3, #1, Jan-73, Marks, H.S. & Marks, M.K., page 32
In Retrospect: One Hundred Years of Reform Judaism in Huntsville, Volume 5, #4, Oct-75, Kirshtein, D. & Marks, M.K., page 3
Study of the Slave System in Alabama Before Statehood, Volume 7, #1 & #2, Jan-77, Marks, H.S. & Marks, M.K., page 25
Patent Medicines & Common Folk in Huntsville & Madison County During the Early 1800's, Volume 7, #3 & #4, Jul-77, Marks, H.S. & Marks, M.K., page 3
Glimpses of the Past: Madison, Volume 11, #3 & #4, Jul-81, Pruitt, R. & Marks, M.K., page 4
Maroney, M.
Civil War Journal of Octavia Wyche Otey, Volume 18, #1, Jan-91, Maroney, M., page 1
Martz, J.
Early American Architecture Related to Constitution Hall State Park, Volume 1, #2, Apr-71, Martz, J., page 18
Mason, J.M.
Confederate Activities In and Around Huntsville, Alabama, Volume 2, #4, Oct-72, Mason, J.M., page 3
Maulsby, A.G.
Dulcina Deberry Library, Volume 22, #2, Jul-95, Maulsby, A.G., page 21
McCanless, C.L.
Lady Roofer to Librarian: From East Germany to Russia or America?, Volume 27, #1, Jan-00, McCanless, C.L., page 27
McCauley, P.
Origins of Huntsville'sWaterworks Utility Board, Volume 25, #1, Jan-98, McCauley, P., page 1
McCormick, A.
From the Editor, Volume 40, #2, Fall-Winter 2015, McCormick, A., page 5
The Huntsville Historical Review Editorial Policy, Volume 40, #2, Fall-Winter 2015, McCormick, A., page 54
The Rise and Fall of "King Cotton", Volume 40, #2, Fall-Winter 2015, McCormick, A., page 8
Dr. James Manning; Madison County Pioneer, Doctor, and Land Speculator, Volume 40, #2, Fall-Winter 2015, McCormick, A., page 13
Book Review: Free People of Color in Madison County, AL, Volume 40, #2, Fall-Winter 2015, McCormick, A., page 53
From the Editor, Volume 41, #1, Spring-Summer 2016, McCormick, A., page iv
Book Review - Louisiana State University in Cooperation with University of Texas: The History of the South Series, Volume IV (1961): The South in a New Nation 1789-1819 by Thomas Perkins Abernethy, Volume 41, #1, Spring-Summer 2016, McCormick, A., page 55
Huntsville-Madison County Historical Society Board of Directors, Volume 41, #1, Spring-Summer 2016, McCormick, A., page 62
Huntsville, Alabama 1963 “The Year of the Dog”, Volume 41, #2, Fall-Winter 2016, McCormick, A., page 40
From the Editor, Volume 41, #2, Fall-Winter 2016, McCormick, A., page 124
Editorial Policy, Volume 41, #2, Fall-Winter 2016, McCormick, A., page 125
Board of Directors, Volume 41, #2, Fall-Winter 2016, McCormick, A., page 128
Our Doughboys, Part I, Prelude to WWI, Volume 42, #1, Spring-Summer 2017, McCormick, A., page 102
Our Doughboys, Part II, Draft and Mobilization, Volume 42, #2, Fall-Winter 2017, McCormick, A., page 29
From the Editor, Volume 42, #2, Fall-Winter 2017, McCormick, A., page 45
From the Editor, Volume 43, #1, Spring-Summer 2018, McCormick, A., page iii
Our Doughboys, Part III, Death at the Caesar Position, Volume 43, #1, Spring-Summer 2018, McCormick, A., page 1
Crimes in the Pacific, Vietnam, and Afghanistan, Volume 43, #1, Spring-Summer 2018, McCormick, A., page 70
From the Editor, Volume 43, #2, Fall-Winter 2018, McCormick, A., page 53
Ezekiel Craft: Patriot, Farmer, Clergyman and Politician, Volume 45, #1, Spring-Summer 2020, McCormick, A., page 7
2020: Distortion, Social Conflict, Covid-19, Fear, Volume 46, #1, Spring-Summer 2021, McCormick, A., page 8
Huntsville-Madison County Historical Society, Preserving the Past to Enrich the Future , Volume 46,#2, Fall-Winter 2021, McCormick, A., page 53
McGinty, G.W.
Alabama Makes Her Debut Into the Union, Volume 2, #1, Jan-72, McGinty, G.W., page 32
McGowan, L.
Henry Hitchcock, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, McGowan, L., page 53
Israel Pickens, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, McGowan, L., page 56
Meek, R.L.
Imperial Judiciary: Constitution & Politics of Legitimacy, Volume 16 & 17, 1986/87, Meek, R.L., page 3
Menarchek, M.
The Open Range in Madison County, Alabama, Volume 35, #2, Summer-Winter 2010, Menarchek, M., page 29
Michael, C.E.
President James Monroe Visits Huntsville, Volume 43, #2, Fall-Winter 2018, Michael, C.E., page 44
President James Monroe Visits Huntsville, Alabama , Volume 44, #1, Spring-Summer 2019, Michael, C.E., page 69
Milam, D.
Birthplace of Alabama Free Masonry, Helion Lodge #1 Huntsville, Alabama, Volume 24, #1, Jan-97, Milam, D., page 19
Masonic Cornerstones in Madison County, Volume 28, #1, Summer-Fall 2002, Milam, D., page 68
Hazel Green and Meridianville, Volume Special Issue, 2008, Milam, D., page 84
Mitchel, Gen. O.M.
Military Perspectives on the Invasion of Huntsville, Alabama April 11,1862, Volume 16, #1 & #2, 1989, Mitchel, Gen. O.M., page 5
Mohler, S.T.
1819 - Alabama Becomes a State, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Mohler, S.T., page 14
Henry Minor, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Mohler, S.T., page 23
John Leigh Townes, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Mohler, S.T., page 25
Gabriel Moore, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Mohler, S.T., page 28
John M. Taylor, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Mohler, S.T., page 33
Dr. Henry Chambers, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Mohler, S.T., page 34
Murray, L.
Dr. Thomas Fearn: Pioneer Builder of Huntsville, Volume 1, #1, Jan-71, Murray, L., page 3
Nelson, J.
“Until Another and Better Destiny May be Unfolded”: The Proslavery Ideology of Four Southern Presbyterians, Volume 42, #1, Spring-Summer 2017, Nelson, J., page 43
Nilsson, D.
More of, “Why Is It Named That?”, Volume 29, #2, Spring-Summer 2004, Nilsson, D., page 57
We Are Not Alone - The Other Huntsvilles, Volume 31, #2, Summer-Fall 2006, Nilsson, D., page 29
Ships Named Huntsville, Volume 32, #2, Summer-Fall 2007, Nilsson, D., page 9
O'Brien, J.
If You Burn It, They Will Come: The Housing Authority in Huntsville, 1941-1960, Volume 37, #1, Fall 2013-Winter 2014, O'Brien, J., page 1
O'Connell, P.
A Huntsville Family: Drake, Robertson, and Brooks, Volume 29, #2, Spring-Summer 2004, O'Connell, P., page 77
Ofenlock, J. H.
What Happened to the Huntsville Jaycees?, Volume 46,#2, Fall-Winter 2021, Allen, J. H. & Ofenlock, J. H., page 35
Paetz, J.
How Huntsville Grew, Volume 20, #2, Jul-93, Bayer, L. & Paetz, J., page 1
Pannick, J.
A Tragedy of the Civil War: Lt.Henry Stokes Figures, 4th Ala Adjutant, 48th Alabama, Volume 11, #1 & #2, Jan-81, Pannick, J., page 15
Patterson, J.
Alabama's Railroad Network, 1830-1870, Volume 2, #3, Jul-72, Patterson, J., page 27
Pearson, A.B., Jr
Rev.George E. Eagleton: A Southern Teacher in the 1850's, Volume 2, #3, Jul-72, Pearson, A.B., Jr, page 3
Perry, R.E.
American Colonization Society in Alabama 1825-1833, Volume 4, #4 & 5, #1, Oct74,Jan75, Perry, R.E., page 17
Pruett, J.
Looking Back: Sports History of Huntsville, Volume 9, #1 & #2, Jan-79, Pruett, J., page 3
Pruitt, R.
The Dallas and Merrimack Mills, Volume 29, #1, Fall-Winter 2003, Pruitt, R., page 30
Echoes of the Past: Old Mahogany Table Stories (Part I), Volume 4, #3, Jul-74, Pruitt, R., page 23
Echoes of the Past: Old Mahogany Table Stories (Part II), Volume 6, #1 & #2, Jan-76, Pruitt, R., page 16
Echoes of the Past: Old Mahogany Table Stories (Part III), Volume 7, #3 & #4, Jul-77, Pruitt, R., page 12
Glimpses of the Past: Madison, Volume 11, #3 & #4, Jul-81, Pruitt, R., page 4
Rankin, J. P.
Indian Creek and Western Madison County, Volume Special Issue, 2008, Rankin, J. P., page 23
Record, J.
From Cotton to Missiles: Madison County Governmental Changes, Volume 4, #1, Jan-74, Record, J., page 13
Reeves, J.P.
Gabriel Moore, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Mohler, S.T. & Reeves, J.P., page 28
Clement Comer Clay, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Reeves, J.P., page 30
Lemuel Mead, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Reeves, J.P., page 36
William Rufus King, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Reeves, J.P., page 37
Hugh McVay, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Reeves, J.P., page 42
John Murphy, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Reeves, J.P., page 50
John Watkins, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Reeves, J.P., page 52
From out of the Ashes - The Joel Eddins House, Volume 32, #2, Summer-Fall 2007, Reeves, J.P., page 71
Editor’s Notes, Volume Special Issue, 2008, Reeves, J.P., page vi
Ryland-Brownsboro-Maysville, Volume Special Issue, 2008, Reeves, J.P., page 95
President’s Message, Volume 37, #1, Fall 2013-Winter 2014, Reeves, J.P., page iii
President's Note, Volume 39, #2, Fall-Winter 2014, Reeves, J.P., page iii
President's Page, Volume 40, #1, Spring-Summer 2015, Reeves, J.P., page iii
Prelude to the Great War - No Slackers in Madison County Part 1, Volume 40, #2, Fall-Winter 2015, Reeves, J.P., page 29
Madison County's Doughboys (Part II) - The Enemies: Germany and La Grippa, Volume 41, #1, Spring-Summer 2016, Reeves, J.P., page 25
An 1819 Snapshot of Huntsville, Volume 44, #2, Fall-Winter 2019, Reeves, J.P., page 15
Reeves, J.
Perspective on the year 2020, Volume 46, #1, Spring-Summer 2021, Reeves, J., page 40
Reeves, M. A.
In Honor of Her Men, Volume 45, #2, Fall-Winter 2020, Reeves, M. A., page 52
1st Lieutenant Edmund I. Mastin of Huntsville and the Alabama 25 of the Immortal 600, , Volume 46, #1, Spring-Summer 2021, Reeves, M. A., page 44
Alabama's Favorite Southern Belle, Volume 46,#2, Fall-Winter 2021, Reeves, M. A., page 21
Reeves, M.A.
Jewish Business Community During the 19th Century, Volume 42, #2, Fall-Winter 2017, Reeves, M.A., page 24
Huntsville's Freedman's Savings and Trust, Volume 43, #1, Spring-Summer 2018, Reeves, M.A., page 64
Uncivilized War Comes to Huntsville, Volume 43, #2, Fall-Winter 2018, Reeves, M.A., page 1
Huntsville Country Club at 93, Volume 43, #2, Fall-Winter 2018, Reeves, M.A., page 8
From “Fuller's Folly” to National Natural Landmark: Huntsville's Shelta Cave, Volume 43, #2, Fall-Winter 2018, Reeves, M.A., page 15
Word from Huntsville, Volume 43, #2, Fall-Winter 2018, Reeves, M.A., page 48
Alabama's Struggles During Their Centennial, Volume 44, #2, Fall-Winter 2019, Reeves, M.A., page 35
Dr. Harold Fanning Drake, A very dedicated Doctor of Madison County, Volume 45, #1, Spring-Summer 2020, Reeves, M.A., page 21
Reeves, R.
The General, Volume 30, #2, Summer-Fall 2005, Reeves, R., page 55
And Then There Was One - Demise of the C.C. Clay Bridge, Volume 31, #2, Summer-Fall 2006, Reeves, R., page 37
Alabama Senator Clement Claiborne Clay, Jr, Volume 44, #1, Spring-Summer 2019, Reeves, page 61
Reid, W.
Racism, Manhood, and Femininity in the Alabama Suffrage Debate: 1915-1920, Volume 35, #2, Summer-Winter 2010, Reid, W., page 3
Rice, C.S.
Youthful Innocence Shattered: Diary of Pvt George T. Anderson, Volume 18, #2, Jul-91, Rice, C.S., page 7
Prison Memories, Volume 22, #1, Jan-95, Rice, C.S., page 31
Richardson, J.T.
I.D.W Cobb: North Alabama Partisan Ranger, Volume 35, #1, Winter-Spring 2010, Richardson, J.T., page 5
Richardson, P.W.
Virginia Clay-Clopton, Volume 1, #4, Oct-71, Richardson, P.W., page 36
Riley, L.W.
Remembering Sarah Huff Fisk, Volume 33, #1, Winter-Spring 2008, Riley, L.W., page 7
Roberts, F.C.
Three Perspectives of Federal Occupation of Huntsville: An Introduction, Volume 16, #1 & #2, 1989, Roberts, F.C., page 3
Henry B. Chase: A Man for All Ages, Volume 1, #4, Oct-71, Roberts, F.C., page 22
Visit to General Tracy at Vicksburg, Volume 19, #1, Jan-92, Roberts, F.C., page 1
Finale of the Civil War in Huntsville, Volume 19, #2, Jul-92, Roberts, F.C., page 1
Public Square in Madison County, Volume 20, #2, Jul-93, Roberts, F.C., page 7
Huntsville-German Connection, 1945-1995, Volume 23, #1, Jan-96, Roberts, F.C., page 1
Evolution of Land Holdings of Oakwood College, 1896-1996, Volume 23, #2, Jul-96, Jones, J.R., Jr & Roberts, F.C., page 1
Population "Invasions" of the Tennessee Valley, Volume 27, #1, Jan-00, Roberts, F.C., page 25
Robinson, K.
2019 Student Bicentennial Marketing Plan, Volume 45, #2, Fall-Winter 2020, Carter, J.,, Jones, T., Maddox, J., Robinson, K., page 58
Rodgaard, J. A.
Raphael Semmes' Long Flight Home, Volume 46,#2, Fall-Winter 2021, Rodgaard, J. A., page 1
Rohr, N.M.
Lanman's View of Huntsville in the 1850's, Volume 20, #1, Jan-93, Lanman, C. & Rohr, N.M., page 11
O'Shaughnessy Legacy in Huntsville, Volume 21, #2, Jul-94, Rohr, N.M., page 1
Life and Times of Mary Lewis Clay: 1825-1898, Volume 25, #1, Jan-98, Rohr, N.M., page 17
News from Huntsville (Antebellum Period), Volume 26, #1, Jan-99, Rohr, N.M., page 3
Jackson's Victorious Return to Huntsville: One Fine Day, Volume 27, #2, Jul-00, Rohr, N.M., page 1
Using Archival Account Records to Tell Their Story, Or Some of It at Least: The Huntsville, Alabama Waterworks, 1839-1843, Volume 29, #2, Spring-Summer 2004, Rohr, N.M., page 65
The Memoirs of Laura Wharton Plummer and Mary Jane Wharton Bruckner, Volume 31, #2, Summer-Fall 2006, Rohr, N.M., page 43
Alabama Fever, Volume Special Issue, 2008, Rohr, N.M., page 1
Epilogue, Volume Special Issue, 2008, Rohr, N.M., page 144
Off to the Races, Volume 35, #1, Winter-Spring 2010, Rohr, N.M., page 35
Fife, Drum, and Ready Musket: The Early Militia and Muster Day in Madison County, Alabama, Volume 38, #1, Spring-Summer 2014, Rohr, N.M., page 1
"They Are Too Sweet and Angelic to Reason," Or, How Women Got the Vote in Alabama, Volume 38, #1, Spring-Summer 2014, Rohr, N.M., page 50
And a Good Time Was Had by All: Celebration and Barbecues in the Early Days of Madison County, Alabama, Volume 41, #2, Fall-Winter 2016, Rohr, N.M., page 61
John Williams Walker, Volume 42, #2, Fall-Winter 2017, Rohr, N.M., page 4
Ross, J.M.
Confederate States of America: Postal History, Volume 4, #2, Apr-74, Ross, J.M., page 21
Russell, B.
First Twenty Years of the Huntsville Historical Society, Volume 1, #4, Oct-71, Russell, B., page 3
Rowena Webster's Recollections of Huntsville During the 1862 Occupation, Volume 2, #2, Apr-72, Russell, B., page 36
Ryan, P.H.
Tracy Pratt, Volume 15, #1 & #2, 1985, Ryan, P.H., page 27
Shannon, J.N.
John Williams Walker, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Shannon, J.N., page 16
Shapiro, N.M.
Captain David H. Todd: A Brother of Mr. Lincoln’s Wife, Volume 28, #2, Spring-Summer 2003, Shapiro, N.M., page 54
John Benton Callis: Madison County’s Republican Congressman, Volume 29, #2, Spring-Summer 2004, Shapiro, N.M., page 7
North Alabama’s Response To the Fear and Facts Of Slave Revolts, Volume 30, #1, Fall-Winter 2004-2005, Shapiro, N.M., page 15
Saints and Sinners, Volume 31, #2, Summer-Fall 2006, Shapiro, N.M., page 9
A Good Union Man, Volume 32, #2, Summer-Fall 2007, Shapiro, N.M., page 33
Ditto Landing, Volume Special Issue, 2008, Shapiro, N.M., page 73
Benjamin Sterling Turner: Alabama’s First Black Congressman, Volume 35, #1, Winter-Spring 2010, Shapiro, N.M., page 17
Shapiro, N.
Pardons of Madison County, Volume 22, #1, Jan-95, Shapiro, N., page 1
Eleventh Day of January, 1861 (Secession in Alabama), Volume 23, #2, Jul-96, Shapiro, N., page 13
Star of The Collection, Volume 24, #1, Jan-97, Shapiro, N., page 1
Annual Report of the Huntsville-Madison County Historical Society Treasurer, Volume 25, #2, Jul-98, Shapiro, N., page 35
Daniel Coleman Diary, January 1863-August 1864, Volume 26, #2, Jul-99, Coleman, Cpt. Daniel & Shapiro, N., page 1
Annual Report of the Huntsville-Madison County Historical Society Treasurer, Volume 26, #2, Jul-99, Shapiro, N., page 50
Invasion & Occupation of Huntsville by the Federals, Apr11-Aug 31, 1862, Volume 27, #1, Jan-00, Shapiro, N., page 1
Annual Report of the Huntsville-Madison County Historical Society Treasurer, Volume 27, #2, Jul-00, Shapiro, N., page 35
Andrew Jackson Camped Here, Volume 38, #1, Spring-Summer 2014, Shapiro, N., page 27
Shaver, J.M.
Annual Report of the Huntsville-Madison County Historical Society Treasurer, Volume 22, #2, Jul-95, Shaver, J.M., page 26
Annual Report of the Huntsville-Madison County Historical Society Treasurer, Volume 23, #2, Jul-96, Shaver, J.M., page 28
Annual Report of the Huntsville-Madison County Historical Society Treasurer, Volume 24, #2, Jul-97, Shaver, J.M., page 25
Sherrod, R. L.
Planters in the Making: The Brown Family’s Alabama Years, Volume 34, #1, Winter-Spring 2009, Sherrod, R. L., page 33
Shields, J.N.
Comments on the Expansion of History, Volume 21, #1, Jan-94, Shields, J.N., page 14
Sibley, W.
Early Days in Big Cove, Volume 45, #1, Spring-Summer 2020, Sibley, W., page 25
Skipper, O.C.
Huntsville's Green Academy, 1812-1862, Volume 2, #4, Oct-72, Skipper, O.C., page 16
Smith, Gen. E. Kirby
Military Perspectives on the Invasion of Huntsville, Alabama April 11,1862, Volume 16, #1 & #2, 1989, Mitchel, Gen. O.M. & Smith, Gen. E. Kirby, page 5
Smith, J.
Williams Street Area in the Early 1800's, Volume 1, #1, Jan-71, Fisk, S.H. & Smith, J., page 18
William McIntosh: The Creek Indian Warrior, Volume 3, #1, Jan-73, Smith, J., page 25
“Adventures Of Little Miss Marker” Or “What Goes Around Comes Around”, Volume 42, #2, Fall-Winter 2017, Smith, J., page 1
Early Huntsville's West Side Square, Volume 1, #2, Apr-71, Smith, J., page 34
Snow, B.J.
Flames Along the Tennessee River , Volume 44, #2, Fall-Winter 2019, Snow, B.J., page 51
Snow, W.A.
Industry Rising: Madison County Cotton Mills, 1809-1885, Volume 39, #2, Fall-Winter 2014, Snow, W.A., page 23
Snow, W.
Of Myth and Moo: Huntsville's Lilly Flagg, Volume 41, #1, Spring-Summer 2016, Snow, W., page 42
Stamps, K.L.
Preserving a Legacy: An Architectural History of the I. Schiffman Building, 1845-2017, Volume 42, #2, Fall-Winter 2017, Stamps, K.L., page 8
Starnes, E.E., Jr
Postmarks of Historic Significance Found in the Huntsville Public Library, Jan 1976, Volume 7, #1 & #2, Jan-77, Starnes, E.E., Jr, page 3
Stephens, E.
James Gillespie Birney: The Huntsville Years, Volume 4, #3, Jul-74, Stephens, E., page 3
Stroup, W.
Early Years of Redstone Arsenal, Volume 1, #3, Jul-71, Cason, C. & Stroup, W., page 29
Stubno, W.J., Jr
In Search of a Man Named Ditto, Volume 15, #1 & #2, 1985, Stubno, W.J., Jr, page 3
Report Concerning Final Resting Place of Father Jeremiah F. Tracy, Volume 26, #1, Jan-99, Stubno, W.J., Jr, page 24
Old Allison Homestead on Winchester Pike, Volume 11, #1 & #2, Jan-81, Stubno, W.J., Jr, page 3
Flint River Place in Antebellum Times, Volume 11, #3 & #4, Jul-81, Stubno, W.J., Jr, page 13
Steger-Nance Home: Residence of An Early Maysville Physician, Volume 12, #1 & #2, Jan-82, Stubno, W.J., Jr, page 5
The Case Against Hunter Peele, Volume 13, #1 & #2, Jan-83, Stubno, W.J., Jr, page 30
Stuhlinger, E.
German Rocketeers Find New Home in Huntsville, Volume 23, #1, Jan-96, Stuhlinger, E., page 3
Sputnik 1957: Memories of An Oldtimer, Volume 26, #1, Jan-99, Stuhlinger, E., page 26
Discovery of Van Allen Belts: Memories of An Oldtimer, Volume 27, #1, Jan-00, Stuhlinger, E., page 50
Suiter, D.
I.Schiffman & Company: A Depression-Era Success Story, Volume 43, #1, Spring-Summer 2018, Suiter, D., page 18
Tate, C.
The Broad River Group of Georgia: Transforming the Pioneering Frontier of Huntsville, Alabama, Volume 39, #2, Fall-Winter 2014, Tate, C., page 39
Taylor, M.
Early Recollections of Madison County, Volume 2, #2, Apr-72, Taylor, M., page 20
Taylor, P.
Academy Students Unraveling Mysteries of Black Cemetery, Volume 21, #1, Jan-94, Taylor, P., page 15
Tumlin, M.G.
Criminal Justice in Madison County, Alabama: April 1865-December 1874, Volume 19, #2, Jul-92, Tumlin, M.G., page 3
Vaughn, F.C., Jr
George Steele: Architect & Builder of the Nineteenth Century, Volume 13, #1 & #2, Jan-83, Vaughn, F.C., Jr, page 3
Wagner, L.J.
Huntsville in May-June 1864: Through the Eyes of a Wisconsin Bandsman, Volume 17, #2, Jul-90, Wagner, L.J., page 1
Ward, P.O.
History of William Hooper Councill High School: 1867-1970, Volume 21, #1, Jan-94, Lacey, M. & Ward, P.O., page 9
Ward, T.B.
Tribute to a Confederate Soldier, Volume 4, #3, Jul-74, Ward, T.B., page 11
Wasdyke, A.
2019 Student Bicentennial Marketing Plan, Volume 45, #2, Fall-Winter 2020, Carter, J.,, Jones, T., Maddox, J., Robinson, K. & Wasdyke, A., page 58
Watson, E.L.
Editor's Page, Volume 1, #3, Jul-71, Watson, E.L., page 47
Editor's Page, Volume 1, #4, Oct-71, Watson, E.L., page 51
John Bell Hood's Tennessee Campaign in 1864, Volume 2, #4, Oct-72, Watson, E.L., page 27
Editor's Page, Volume 3, #1, Jan-73, Watson, E.L., page 3
Editor's Page, Volume 1, #1, Jan-71, Watson, E.L., page 46
Stand Watie: Cherokee Leader, Confederate Commander, Volume 3, #4, Oct-73, Watson, E.L., page 24
Constantine B. Sanders: The Sleeping Preacher of North Alabama, Volume 1, #2, Apr-71, Watson, E.L., page 3
Editor's Page, Volume 1, #2, Apr-71, Watson, E.L., page 39
Watson, R.C., Jr.
A Technical Perspective of Greater Huntsville's First 150 Years: Part I, Volume 41, #2, Fall-Winter 2016, Watson, R.C., Jr., page 1
Milton K. Cummings, Volume 41, #2, Fall-Winter 2016, Watson, R.C., Jr., page 115
A Technical Perspective of Greater Huntsville's First 150 Year: Part II, Volume 42, #1, Spring-Summer 2017, Watson, R.C., Jr., page 1
Weber, S.
Madison County Heritage Festival in October, Volume 30, #2, Summer-Fall 2005, Weber, S., page 77
Weeden, J.D.
Recollections of Johnson's Island, Volume 22, #1, Jan-95, Weeden, J.D., page 32
Wesley, W.H.
Archaeological Information from Constitution Hall State Park Site, Volume 1, #4, Oct-71, Wesley, W.H., page 41
Wesson, K.R.
Edward Dorr Tracy: Evolution of a Soldier, Volume 6, #3 & #4, Jul-76, Wesson, K.R., page 3
Westmoreland, F.G.
Who was Nick Davis?, Volume 30, #1, Fall-Winter 2004-2005, Westmoreland, F.G., page 55
Nicholas Davis, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Westmoreland, F.G., page 44
Cahaba - Alabama’s First Permanent Capital, Volume 32, #1, Winter-Spring 2007, Westmoreland, F.G., page 59
White, G.G., III
Huntsville's First Entrpreneur: The "Salt King" of Abingdon, VA, Volume 41, #1, Spring-Summer 2016, White, G.G., III, page 36
Huntsville’s John Campbell Greenway (1872 - 1926), Volume 45, #1, Spring-Summer 2020, White, G.G., III, page 1
White, R.A.
Proceedings of The First Alabama Congressional Delegation: 16th Congress of The United States 1819 To 1821, Volume 44, #2, Fall-Winter 2019, Marks, H.S. & White, R.A., page 1
Proceedings of First Alabama Congressional Delegation: 16th Congess of US 1819-1821, Volume 4, #4 & 5, #1, Oct74,Jan75, Marks, H.S. & White, R.A., page 4
Wiesman, W.
German Rocket Team: A Chronology of Events & Accomplishments, Volume 23, #1, Jan-96, von Saurma, R.G. & Wiesman, W., page 20
Wilson, F.
History of Huntsville Water Works, Volume 3, #3, Jul-73, Wilson, F., page 25
Young, C.M.
Alabama's Rocket City: Cotton, Missiles, and Change in Huntsville and Madison County, Volume 41, #1, Spring-Summer 2016, Young, C.M., page 1
von Saurma, R.G.
Growing Up in Huntsville (German Rocket Team in Huntsville), Volume 23, #1, Jan-96, von Saurma, R.G., page 13
German Rocket Team: A Chronology of Events & Accomplishments, Volume 23, #1, Jan-96, von Saurma, R.G., page 20
Personal Recollections of Huntsville Rocket & Space Highlights,1949-1980, Volume 27, #1, Jan-00, von Saurma, R.G., page 37